Scripture Reading - Isaiah 29:10 KJV

For the LORD hath poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep, and hath closed your eyes: the prophets and your rulers, the seers hath he covered.

Generally, we have been raised to think only of the natural side of sleep. Some think of sleep as a physical condition of rest for your body. The dictionary has a few definitions for the word “sleep” such as: a state of dormancy, or suspension of consciousness for the natural body, or being mentally and physically inactive, etc…. Although these descriptions are accurate and factual they do not mention the nature (source, foundation) of sleep. Yes, sleep has a nature and a purpose and is made of a particular substance. The substance of sleep is spiritual and the nature of sleep as passively gentle (submissive) while the purpose of sleep is twofold. The first purpose of sleep is to rest (restore - reserve storage) the body and the second purpose of sleep is to impart God’s goodness unto man. Yes, the reason we know the first purpose is because this is commonly practiced by all men upon the earth on a daily basis. God’s impartation is immeasurable because the more energy expended during the day the more impartation that is needed during your sleep in the night. Sometimes it is necessary for the Lord to use the time of rest when the “spirit of sleep” is a work to impart additional instructions to your heart (your spirit). Since this spiritual impartation is not perceived by the average man it is referred to as the second purpose. Although both purposes are equally important and occur simultaneously it is better to consider them a pair rather than a greater and lesser purpose. The reason we are using the word impartation of goodness is because we (ihlcc) can not truthfully describe exactly what the Lord imparts during the session of sleep. Yes, the natural body does benefit from natural rest but that by itself will not restore strength to all body parts because science has proven the physical elements (muscles, joints, etc..) of the body that go unused for an extended period of time (dormant, too much rest) will become inoperative. The phrase, “If you don’t use it you could lose it” is particularly true for the physical limbs on the body. It is important to realize “sleep is a spirit” from God that is for the sole benefit of man. This truth should be understood by all men because then, and only then, will they start understanding what is going on during their time of rest. The “Holy Spirit of Sleep” is liken unto a nurturing companion, though gentle and passive in nature her value is priceless because without sleep the physical body will die. The facts dictate that proper sleep enhances longevity of life, whereas improper sleep will shorten the days of your life here upon this earth. The “spirit of sleep” was created to be a faithful (consistent) companion that caresses your mind in a state of comfort and security while you are at rest. Think about it, whenever you have a good night’s sleep you feel refreshed in the morning. This is why we know it is more going on that just physical relaxation. The “spirit of sleep” exudes spiritual minerals into your physical body all during your rest that helps to empower the body for work the next day. The more we cut short that process the more damaging it is because the will of God is not being performed when we violate His principles. So examine your life by purposing in your heart and soul to warmly welcome the “Spirit of Sleep” from God your Father to aid you in fulfilling His Will upon the earth. Knowing that whether the Lord chooses to impart a vision, a word of knowledge, a dream with the proper portion of spiritual vitamins to quicken your body through the strength of your spirit it is all good in Christ Jesus, our Lord. Amen!